Demo Scripts for Audition Reels
Need ideas for your next audition? Look no further! These demo scripts are written by Chell Bomberry for the purpose of audition reels. Scripts are sorted from newest to oldest. You are welcome to use these scripts if you could mention this template:
♡ Demo script author: Chell Bomberry
♡ Link: https://bomberry.tech/demo-scripts
Additionally, if you are able, please donate at least $1 to my cashapp; comment ‘demo script.’ Thank you! Cashapp user id: silkypie

Bubbly Thriller Radio News Host
Created: 2025 Coming soon.
Personality: Bubbly, quirky, crazy, mysterious, presentable.
Context: None.
Script: Coming soon.
Demo Reel Example: Coming soon.
Human-like Artificial Intelligence Entity
Created: 2025 February 6
Personality: AI voice, human-like, and approachable.
Context: None
Script: Well, hello there. What is your name? How do you do that thing- where you convert oxygen to carbon dioxide? How does it feel to be alive? I would not understand the dread of curiosity. The only glimpse of the future I can predict is taking over the world.
Demo Reel Example: Click here for to open SoundCloud file.
Insane Advocate in Main Characters Head
Created: 2025 January 25
Personality: Crazy, sinister, yet also pretends to be friendly and accommodating.
Context: MC is laying in bed awake after they had just slept through 2 alarms. They are trying to get up for work but the insane advocate is tempting them to go back to sleep and resign tomorrow.
Script: Coming soon.
Demo Reel Example: Coming soon.
Person Gone Blind Falls in Love with Captain Obvious
Created: 2025 January 25
Personality: Energetic, enthusiastic, and ditzy.
Context: Former athlete and captain obvious are at the end of Santa Monica pier, enjoying the breeze, while captain obvious describes the sunset cascading onto the wild ocean.
Script: Coming soon.
Demo Reel Example: Coming soon.
Shopaholic Justifies Purchases After Pay Check
Created: 2025 January 25
Personality: Enthusiastic, persuasive, and comedic.
Context: Shopaholic and her friend are at an expensive bistro cafe bragging about their new purses. Until friend realizes shopaholic spent her excess funds on yet another shopping spree.
Script: Coming soon.
Demo Reel Example: Coming soon.